Monday, October 17, 2005

Creative Coding

I work help desk for a corporate office. For the majority of my day, I sit by the phone answering the same 20 questions over and over again. On the upside, its a small corporate company, making it a small IT department. This means a lot more responsibility per employee. So I have my hand in everything here; Active Directory management, Exchange maintenance, nightly tape backups, web server and web based applications.

Recently my boss wanted me to help him with a problem. We wanted to get the census for every facility to each facilities administrator. "Make it extremely easy for them", he said. So taking my amateur skills in dynamic web pages, I did my best to call the stored procedure for the daily census to a web page. After searching hundreds of "How To ASP" pages and banging my head on the desk I finally came up with the page. And it was awesome!

It was simple, it was informative, and it was web-based making it really light and easy to distribute. I must say, that finishing this simple project has given me a great sense of accomplishment. I know what I did wasn't a huge feat of programming skill, but just that I was able to put the pieces together and create the dynamic response is a new talent for me. I never knew if I had it in me to be a programmer, I think I'll start seriously considering it.


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