Friday, September 23, 2005

I Really Like Video Games

I mean really like video games. Just the idea of creating a world within another system is extraordinary concept to me. The level of skill and technology that grows in leaps and bounds from year to year always impresses me.

I was born around the same time programming games started catching on. By the time I was four there was a nintendo sitting in my living room. The device introduced me to so many of my favorite video game characters. Link, Samus, Mega Man and Mario became the first game characters I connected with and it only grew from there. Even twenty year after the fact, Nintendo can still find new ways to connect with me. I've played Resident Evil 4 probably six time through, unlocked all the advanced weapons and beat all the time trials. Even after spending all that time with this one game I am still craving more. I've enjoyed several hundreds of games, but its games like RE4 that really make me happy to be a gamer.

I'd like to say that video games are a part of my daily life. I enjoy reading up on newly released games. I read the thoughts and ideas of game developers and where they think games are going next. Traveling to places just to hang out with others like me. I hope that one day I will find the entrance to the world where these wonderful projects are created.

This weekend I'm heading to a LAN party in Pella, Iowa. The group there is called the OpenBoxProject. I've been gaming with the OBP group for over a year, and I always enjoy the company of guys there. Half the time we just BS, but its good just to hang out and play with other like minded people. I wish I could do it more often.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

23 and counting

When I was a child, I remember thinking that I would understand things better when I was older. All those things my child mind couldn't comprehend I hoped would someday make sense to me. I think its funny that now that I am older I realize that adults do not really comprehend better than a child, but just accept things as what they are.

My name is Tristan. And I'm very glad your here.