Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I've been on the road for the past three days for my job. I'm working as technical support for my companies installation of new wireless hardware and software. Were installing a new way of charting, and I'm support to be there to catch any bugs. Each facility I drive to takes about an hour or so to travel. I had a lot of time to think.

Most of my thoughts are the abstract kind, just way off the wall stuff. Every now and then I have a great idea and think to myself, "Hey I should write this down". Thing is when I do write it down, the idea has changed or lost something in the translation. It just doesn't sound as good as when I was thinking it up. I thought I should try and keep a place were ideas like this can be stored and accessed from any location. Writely sounded like a good place to start.

I like to think that once I turned 13, I stopped advancing my personality. Every thing I do that seems grown up or adult is just me pretending, acting like someone much older than myself. I prefer to take off my masks then and return back to the thing I loved best about my childhood, my imagination. I like to pretend and lose myself in a video game, to geek out on a good fantasy world and try my best to keep my consciousness away from this world.

I'm 24 now, and I find that the older I get, the more I have to wear my masks. Sometimes I have to keep them on for days. Its tiring to keep it straight for so long. Like so many of my fantasy worlds, the longer I am this in this mask, the harder it is to take off. I don't have the imagination I once used to, its difficult to be creative sometimes. All I see now are blank faces and brick walls that once used to be scenes filled with people and dialog in wide open beautiful areas.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Still Here

I was signing up for a Google group and configuring my personal profile when it asked me for my Blog. I had almost forgot I had started this blog at all.

I'll have to remember to come and write here more often.