Wednesday, July 30, 2008

To Long

It's been to long so I figured I'd do a quick run down for what happening about a year after my last post.

I finished the first year of Digipen and instead of taking summer classes, I went to Iowa to visit friends. Once I got back to Bellevue I started a job with a Web Development company called Pacific Software Publishing. I'm enjoying the work as one of the most beneficial jobs I've ever had. Even though it's not game programming, it related as far as develpoment and release schedules. It's only a temporary job as I was only hired on for the summer, but being only a freshmen and having 8 months total programming experince under my belt makes this a huge deal for me.

I'm still at the same apartment and I've grown to like my neirboorhood. I'm really just looking forward to school starting again to I can concentrate on what I truely want to do.