Saturday, September 15, 2007

Two Weeks In

Two weeks completed at school and so far so good. I've met a few people and hopefully some friends. MAT140 is defiantly going to be the difficult class for me. It is the highest level math I've taken and most of the review information he's covering I've forgotten sense high school. I'm combating this by asking as many other students that will listen for help.

I'm going to try and handle a part time job. I think we'll need the extra money to survive out here. I'm limited by transportation with only my bike. I could figure out the bus system but I'd like to avoid the additional costs. This is my "easy" semester thought, so depending on the demand I might have to quit the job come the more difficult classes. I've done the full time school plus 30 hour job week before, but not at a school like Digipen.

Bioshock is a huge winner, I love all the story elements and plot twists. Metroid Prime 3 is looking to be the best of the FPS Metroids.


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